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Piping ceremony held at SDPO office Pattan

Jammu, January 24 (Scoop News)- Piping ceremony of recently promoted 02 Sub-Inspectors was held during an impressive ceremonial function at SDPO office Pattan.

The promoted officers were decorated with their new ranks by SSP Baramulla Shri Amod Ashok Nagpure-IPS along with CO 29RR Col. Banarjee, besides, SDPO Pattan, SDPO Kreeri, DySP PC Pattan and SHO PS Pattan were also present on the occasion.

On the occasion, SSP Baramulla congratulated the promoted officers. He said that each elevation comes with more responsibility and challenges to the working assignments and hoped that the officers would continue to work with zeal and zest in the future as well. He wished him good luck for the future.

During the colourful ceremony, the newly promoted officers expressed their gratitude towards the police department for conferring their next rank. They also pledged to work with the same zeal and enthusiasm.

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