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DIG CKR Srinagar felicitates various Police officers for bravery act

Srinagar, January 25 (Scoop News)- DIG CKR Srinagar Shri Sujit Kumar-IPS felicitated various police officers/officials, who showed exemplary act of bravery in saving the life of public during various incidents in Central Kashmir Range.

The bravery honours were presented to various Police officers/officials which include SHO Sonamarg Mohammad Younis for his exemplary act during snow avalanche at Sonamarg, Sub-Inspector Ghulam Hassan and SPO Jan Mohammad for their exemplary act during HSH Street grenade blast, SgCT Mohammad Ayoub for his exemplary act during fire incident at Bone and Joint Hospital Srinagar, SgCT Mohammad Amin for his exemplary act during fire incident at houseboat Nigeen and Constable Umar Nisar for his exemplary act during fire incident at Ganderbal.

The role of these officers/officials was appreciated by DIG CKR Srinagar who awarded them with certificates of bravery act and applauded them for their exemplary work. On the occasion, DIG CKR Srinagar said that such acts of bravery are astonishing and deserve the highest possible praise. He further added that these acts of bravery by police officers/officials as well as general public will always be encouraged.

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