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National Voters' Day celebrated at Advocate General office

Jammu/Srinagar, January 25 (Scoop News)- The office of Advocate General today celebrated National Voters Day at both of it's wings in Jammu and Srinagar.

At Jammu, the pledge ceremony was held under the chairmanship of Advocate General, J&K, D C Raina, which was participated by all the Law Officers, Government Counsels, Officers, Director Litigation Jammu and employees.

At Srinagar, the Law Offices, Officers and employees participated in the national event which was led by AR Malik, Senior Additional Advocate General, Srinagar.

At the occasion, the Advocate General highlighted the ethics of the theme with due reference to the constitution. He impressed upon the participants in particular regarding importance of casting votes for welfare of the country and its citizens, increasing the efforts for good governance and upholding the democratic traditions of the nation.

"It impresses, the dignity of free, fair and peaceful elections, vote in every election fearlessly, vote without being influenced by considerations of religion, race. caste, community, language or any inducement and to promote among them all fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation".

Advocate General quoted Rigveda Mandla-05, Shulokh-60, mantra-5, the simple and plain meaning of which is "No one is superior or inferior, all are brothers; all should strive for the interest of all and progress collectively". So is the position in other religions as well. This is the hallmark of peace, progress and prosperity of the nation, he added.

He also impressed upon the participants for transparency, accountability besides sharing responsibilities attached to their assignments and primarily the integrity, for purposeful achievement of the core of constitution.

Other participants also spoke on the occasion.

The programme was concluded with recitation of "Voters Pledge".
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