Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Killing of Religious Minorities in Kashmir

By Sanjay K. Tickoo

Raliv, Galiv ya Chaliv (convert, die or leave) a modus-operandi initiated by the Radical Kashmiries to establish Islamic Doctrine in Kashmir continues and is reverberated by every Kashmiri Pandit killing which is happening in Kashmir and the irony is that it is the same society which worries about peace produced countless killing machines to annihilate Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir. Since 1990, the dark times for Kashmiri Pandits continue in Kashmir and the world has turned deaf and blind on this issue which involves lives and security of the innocent religious minorities living in Kashmir. Islamic Countries and Scholars repeatedly claim that terror doesn’t have a religion, but they need to see in Kashmir that here it not only has a religion but a face too.

Terrorists like Sajad Gul, Ashiq Nengroo, Arjamand Gulzar alias Burhan Hamza, and Rayees Mir are a few prominent names and faces who are behind the killing of Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus in Kashmir Valley and all are born Kashmiri. Also, the security agencies might be aware of who they are and with whom they used to work before leaving Kashmir and who their close relatives and friends are.

Religious Terror Organizations with radical and fascist ideology against Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus living in Kashmir now and then issue threat posters against the minuscule religious minority living in Kashmir Valley and are killing innocent Kashmiri Pandits and other religious minorities to express win of Islam over other religions. In a proxy war between India and Pakistan in which Muslim Kashmir fighting against Hindu India, the innocent religious minorities living in Kashmir are scapegoats for Pakistan and Muslim Kashmir and Hindu India is concerned about elections and political stratigies.

World needs to understand clearly that killing of religious minorities and “Kashmiryat” go hand in hand in Kashmir and slowly and steadily Radical Kashmiris are forcing innocent Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus to leave Kashmir as they did in 1990. Decisions taken by the Government of India in August 2019 have exposed the Kashmiri Society and its social fabric. Two out of Ten have turned OGWs for these Terror Organisations who are responsible for the killing of Kashmiri Pandits and other religious minorities in Kashmir Valley. After executing the task these people join the wailing crowd in stealth mode by giving statements about “Kashmiriyat” and join “Candle Light Marches”. Just strategy is changed but the result is the same and i.e. Islamic Kashmir without Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus, it is just the unfinished business that was started in 1990.

KPSS, take strong note of the situation in Kashmir Valley and remind Hon’ble Prime Minister and Hon’ble Home Minister to intervene on a high level and accept the failure of the current Lt. Governor to address the issue of security of the religious minorities in Kashmir Valley particularly Non-Migrant Kashmiri Pandits who have become fodder in between Government, Terrorists and Migrant Kashmiri Pandits living luxurious lives outside Kashmir Valley.

KPSS most humbly with folded hands request Hon’ble Prime Minister and Hon’ble Home Minister to rest their personal agendas and self-conceit and take the issue seriously and replace the current Lt. Governor immediately for letting the Kashmiri Pandits to be killed by the militants for some vested agenda and vendetta to maglin the ruling political party at the national and international level and also issue necessary directions to initiate brutal operation against the militants and their aides to safe guard the lives of the innocents Kashmiri Pandits and other religious minorities living in Kashmir Valley as these militants want war and the Government of India should consider this challenge with open heart and brutal strategies and should stop experimenting with the situation in Kashmir and endangering the lives of Kashmiri Pandits and other religious minorities living in Kashmir Valley as every thing has an expiry date so is of our patience which is put on test the radical Kashmiri population by killing Kashmiri Pandits and other religious minorities in Kashmir Valley and the inaction of Government of India to control the same and by concealing the facts to the world that since August 2019, the condition of Kashmir has become bad to worst when it comes to the livelihood and survival of Kashmiri Pandits and Hindus living in Kashmir Valley.


(Sanjay K. Tickoo is the President, KPSS

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