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DOM organised 3rd Round Table Conference at Udhampur for protection of Constitution & Democracy

Udhampur,March 12 (Scoop News)-Dalit OBC Minorities, a wing of All India Confederation of SC/ST/OBC Organisations J&K organised a 3rd round table conference at USdhampur after Ist one at Samba and 2nd in Akhnoor for protection of Constitution, Democracy under the slogan of “Sath Chalo, Milkar Lado”.

RK Kalsotra, President Confederation and DOM, who accompanied their with S Kuldeep Singh Giani, Dr Sameer Ch, Narinder Singh Khalsa & Ramesh Bhagat said that many such conferences to be held across the nation. The agenda of such conferences is to educate and make people aware about the threats the Constitution and democracy are facing. He added that similar conferences will be organised all across the districts in J&K.

Two major resolutions were passed at the conference. One was to demand new Parliament House as Dr BR Ambedkar Parliament House. Two was to focus on safeguarding the Constitution and the democracy.

Various other issues also highlighted. These include issues with Reservation, Prohibition on privatization, ban EVM, Reservation in higher judiciary, reservation in promotion, Reservation in private sector, To implement all the recommendations of the Mandal Commission, Caste Census, Reinstatement on backlog posts, Reservation in contract-lease, Prohibition on Dalit oppression, Constitution - Defense of democracy, Opposing the inclusion of forward castes in ST, OBC, cancellation of land allotment of poora, property taxes, issues related to health, unemployment, privatisation of education etc.

Kalsotra mentioned that BR Ambedkar had participated in three round table conferences on 1930,1931,1932 during the Colonial Era to fight for the rights of downtrodden. He participated in them to promote the rights of Dalits. Only after this provisions for the Dalits were added in the constitution of India. But now they are under threat and thus, Confederation and DOM has taken upon itself to revive these rights and stop their further dilution. It can be continued with continuous support from the people and hence, their participation in such functions is duly appreciated and necessary. He also appreciated Retd ZEO Uttam Chand and Girdhari Lal Verma for holding a successful Round Table Conference at Udhampur and asked all the participants to mobilise others to hold such Conferences in their areas and locality.

Participants said that these conferences should be converted into a revolution for social justice. And more places should be reached where we can hold these conferences and start a conversation around how we can continue Dr BR Ambedkar’s legacy.

Others who spoke were S. Jaspal Singh, Uttam Chand, Girdhari Lal Verma, Prof, Tara Nath, Ram Dass. Rattan Chand, Govind Chalotra, Shambu Ram, Sunil Verma
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