Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Horticulture Deptt Kashmir organises Training/ Awareness programme under ATMA scheme at Lalmandi

Srinagar,March 16 (Scoop News)- One day Training cum Awareness programme was today organized by the Horticulture department under ATMA (Agriculture Technology Management Agency) scheme at Horticulture Complex Lal Mandi, here.
The training programme was chaired by Director Horticulture Kashmir, Ghulam Rasool Mir. Besides, Chief Horticulture Officer Srinagar, V.K. Gupta; District Horticulture Officer Srinagar, Shiekh Iftikhar Hussain, DL-SMS Srinagar, Saima Hameed and Horticulture Development Officer Zakura, M Maqbool Pandit were also present.
More than 50 orchardists from district Srinagar participated in the awareness camp.
Director Horticulture presented the overall review of horticulture schemes with special reference to modified high density plantations. He stressed the orchardists to take advantage of the schemes of Horticulture.
Chief Horticulture Officer Srinagar while addressing the gathering stressed upon the use of recommended pesticides.
Later, the District Horticulture Officer Srinagar gave the detailed overview of the departmental schemes.

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