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RPHQ Srinagar organises Civic Action Programme at Chotay Taray Foundation Bemina for specially abled children

Srinagar,March 18 (Scoop News)-RPHQ Srinagar organized a programme under civic action programme (CAP) of J&K Police at Chotay Taray Foundation at Bemina for specially abled children by donating wheelchairs, sewing machines, smart TV, School bags and stationary items.
On the occasion, DIG CKR Shri Sujit Kumar-IPS alongwith SP South Shri Gaurav Sikarwar, SDPO West Shri Shahjahan, SHO PS Batamaloo Shri Sabzar and other ranks of RPHQ Srinagar were present. The officer interacted with these little angels and showed caring for them. The occasion brought joy on the faces of these children.
Speaking on the occasion, DIG CKR expressed love and affection for these children and observed that it is first such function during the current year but the Police Department should make more such programmes under CAP with specially abled children. The Officer further expressed his resolve that he shall be taking up the matter with Police Headquarters to allocate more funds under CAP in future for specially abled children and also stated that he shall personally also make efforts to look after such children by taking it up with senior officers of the department for conducting more such functions under CAP.
On the occasion, Kehwa and snacks were also served to all those present.

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