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Sat Sharma, Ashwani Sharma presses administration to sort out land compensation issues
in a time bound manner

Jammu, May 24 (Scoop News)-"Administration must take public issues seriously. The unwanted delay in providing compensation to the aggrieved is equal to the justice denied", said Sat Sharma, former Housing & Urban Development Minister, J&K, while listening to the deputation of people whose lands have been acquired for the construction of approach road to 4th Tawi Bridge.
Sat Sharma was particular about timely and fair compensation for acquired lands. He was canvassing for land compensation of people whose lands have been taken over by various departments for execution of public projects. In addition, since decades, their land compensation files have been gathering dust in obscure shelves of offices. He further focused on new techniques and best practices as to how we could redress the public issues in a more efficacious way.
Sat Sharma, former BJP president and former Minister along with former MLA Ashwani Sharma, JMC Councillor & BJP SC Morcha Seh-Prabhari Jeet Angral, and BJP SEM Shailja Gupta listened to the public grievances at BJP Headquarters, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu.
While listening to their grievances, Sat Sharma (CA) added that it is the prime responsibility of the concerned department officials to sort out the people's issues in a time bound manner. The dilly dallying approach to all the issues is just undesirable and the administration must take needed steps to end the harassment of the people while reaching out to the people themselves.
Ashwani Sharma said that the aggrieved masses that are already facing hardships due to their respective issues must not be made to suffer on one pretext or another. BJP has initiated a channel where the party leaders dedicatedly meet the aggrieved on a daily basis. The masses can approach them to register their issues, which are immediately taken up by the senior BJP leaders with the concerned officials.
Jeet Angral and Shailja Gupta diarized the issues and coordinated the camp proceedings.
During the camp, people from different parts of Jammu & Kashmir visited the party office in the form of deputations to represent the issues of their respective areas as well as their individual concerns before the senior party leadership.
The main issues presented were related to the Ration card, verification of land titles, transformer issues, electric poles, streetlights, repair of lanes/ roads, job issues, etc.
Listening to the various issues represented by the deputations, BJP leaders telephonically talked to the concerned departmental officials and issued letters for the others after which he assured them that their issues would be addressed soon.

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