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Altaf Bukhari grieved over Kishtwar’s fatal incident
Ch. Zulfkar,Syed Asgar Ali grieved over the loss of life in Kishtwar
Srinagar, May 25 (Scoop News)-Apni Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari on Thursday expressed his grief and sorrow over the tragic incident in which four members of a nomadic family died as a pine tree fell on their makeshift tent in Kishtwar on Thursday.
In his statement, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari, while expressing his profound grief over the tragic incident, said, "I am deeply sorrowed to hear those four members, including three women of a nomadic family have died in Kishtwar as a tree fell on their tent. This is a heart wrenching tragedy, as the poor family, along with their flock of sheep, had halted in the Bhalana forest while en route to Dachan in Kisthwar, when a tree fell on their makeshift tent. My heart goes out to the surviving members of the family, who lost four members in this unfortunate incident. One can imagine the agony and pain that the family members, who lost their kith and kin in this fatal incident, must be feeling at this time.”
He added, “I extend my deepest condolences to the grieving family, and I pray to Almighty Allah to bestow them with much-needed strength and fortitude to endure the immeasurable pain caused by this inconsolable loss."
Apni Party President urged the administration to provide immediate and swift relief to the affected family. He also demanded adequate compensation for the devastated family to alleviate their suffering and assist them in rebuilding their lives.

Ch. Zulfkar Ali grieved over the death of 4 tribals in Kishtwar

Demands cattle rearing should considered as industry to protect economic rights of tribals, insurance of their cattles

Apni Party Vice President, and Former Cabinet Minister, Choudhary Zulfkar Ali on Thursday expressed grief over the death of four members of a tribal family including three women when a pine tree fell on their tent at Bhalna in Kishwan area of Kishtwar district.
“I am deeply concerned with the incident in which four members of a tribal family died when a pine tree fell on them in a remote area of Kishtwar,” said Choudhary Zulfkar Ali.
He expressed his sympathy with the bereaved family members and prayed for the eternal peace of the departed souls.
He demanded ex-gratia for the next of kins of the deceased and resettlement of the displaced family members by the civil administration.
“The Gujjars and Bakkerwals are facing loss of life and their cattles which needs to be compensated by the Govt adequately as they have suffered very badly. The Govt should come out with some policy to insure the lives of the tribal families, their cattles and livestock so that they can be provided compensation adequately,” he said.
He said that the tribals are dependent upon the cattle rearing and the cattle rearing should be given status of industry by the Govt in order to insure their lives, and their cattles.
“J&K has to import meat, cattles, sheeps, and goats from other parts of the country and this drains our economy outside. Therefore, the Govt came out and supported the cattle rearing in J&K to strengthen them (tribals) economically in an organized manner as a part of industry,” he said.
He said that around 20 lakh people are associated with the cattle rearing in J&K which is directly linked to the economic growth if it is protected under industrial policy and their losses can be controlled by providing them insurance cover.
He also demanded a comprehensive policy for the permanent settlement of tribals to ensure their social, economic and educational upgradation.
“The Govt should ensure that the tribals should not remain educationally backward that is why the comprehensive policy of permanent settlement of tribes is must,” he said.
As far as implementation of Forest Rights Act is concerned, he said that the Govt has not implemented the Act on ground in toto since the Forest Department officials often harass and compel the tribals to displace from one place to another and dismantle their kullas/kacha houses where they live for centuries.
“The tribals have lost their postures, and homes which were permitted to them in the past. The tribals are the protectors of the forests in J&K and across the country, but in recent years, their constitutional right to live and use the grazing yards for their cattles has been snatched by the Forest Department for one reason or the other in the Jammu region,” he said.
He said that the tribals face hardships in their lives, and the administration should act in a humanitarian way while delaying with the tribals.
“They should be given permits for their cattle transportations immediately; safer routes without long stay enroute to their respective destinations, punishment against those who harass the tribals during their seasonal movement, protection of their right to live and graze their cattles/livestocks in the forests,” he said.
He said that the Govt is expected to take decisions in favour of the marginalized section of the society and it should direct the Forest Department not to harass the tribals anymore as their rights are being protected under the FRA.
He also demanded that the FRA committees have been constituted, but it appears that the decisions to give rights to the tribals in Jammu and other parts of the region have yet to be given to the tribal despite submission of their documents to the respective gram committees and others.
“The FRA decision making and handing over land rights to the tribals, and other forest dwellers should be fast tracked in J&K,”

Syed Asgar Ali grieved over the loss of life in Kishtwar

Apni Party State General Secretary, Syed Asgar Ali has grieved over the loss of four lives belonging to a tribal family in Keshwan area of District Kishtwar.
“I am saddened at the incident with the death of four members of a family including three women in Keshwan,” the ex-MLC, Syed Asgar Ali said in his condolence message to the bereaved family members.
He said that the civil administration of Kishtwar should immediately provide ex-gratia and other needed relief material to the affected family members.
“The family is very poor, and they should be supported by the administration and accordingly a needed help should be provided to them,” he added.
Meanwhile, Apni Party, State Secretary Mohinder Parihar, District President, Kishtwar, Mashood Mattoo and others office bearers from district Kishtwar have also expressed concern over the loss of life.

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