Saturday, July 27, 2024
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ADC Kargil visits Bardan, Duzin Photang

Kargil, May 25 (Scoop News)-Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC) Kargil, Ghulam Mohi-ud-In Wani on Wednesday visited Bardan Gonpa and interacted with the monks.

The ADC gave a patient hearing to the problems put up by the monks. They requested the ADC to direct the concerned department to complete JJM project of the monastery for drinking water purpose.

The ADC assured them to resolve the issue at the earliest. He also inspected the under-construction work of bathroom and toilet funded through ZDA at Barden.

At Duzin Photang, he met President Zanskar Buddhist Association, Paksang Lawang and discussed various developmental issues.

Sub Divisional Magistrate, Zanskar, Sonam Dorjay, Exen PWD and BDO Zanskar accompanied ADC Kargil during the tour.

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