Sunday, September 8, 2024
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If voted to power will bring developmental revolution to Pir Panchal region: Azad
Met various delegations on his second day visit to Rajouri

Rajouri,May 26 (Scoop News)-On the second day of his visit to Rajouri, Democratic Progressive Azad Party Chairman Ghulam Nabi Azad expressed his concern over the soaring unemployment, price rise and dwindling economy of the Jammu and Kahmir Union Territory. He said the people of Jammu and Kashmir are facing multiple challenges as jobs and lands are being taken away from the local people. Mr Azad said while interacting with party workers and various delegations from Thanamandi, Kalakote, Rajouri city, Darhal, youth and other areas. He said, however, his party if elected to power won’t be a mute spectator to the plight of locals and will take all political, and legal initiatives to secure the jobs and land rights of people. He said some regions like Chenab & Pir Panchal face more challenges since they are landlocked and are overlooked by the successive regimes with no job opportunities and economic growth. “When I was heading the Jammu and Kashmir government in erstwhile state, I gave special focus to region and tried to uplift it economically. Since then no one seems to have ever understood the needs and aspirations of the region. Mr Azad said that the present governing system of administration has left the people upset in Peer Panchal region who deserve better governance at their doorstep. He demanded special recruitment drives in the area. He said the DPAP will restore the Roshni Act since it’s revocation had rendered thousands of families landless who even were possessing the land from the times of Maharaja’s rule. The people on the occasion also thanked Mr Azad for raising strongly voice against the coercive measures for land eviction in winters and said that his timely intervention saved thousands of families from becoming homeless. He said as per the laws who possessed land for over 20 years should have been granted ownership rights, the way our govt did but here the government is taking anti people measures and snatched it back. Mr Azad asked his workers to ensure maximum reach at the grassroots and make people aware of party’s pro people agenda since we have to fight long battle of rights and justice for the people.
On the occasion, General Secretary RS Chib welcomed the delegations who came from far of areas to meet Mr Azad. Meanwhile Sarpanch Yogesh Sharma from Rajouri and several social and political activists from Kalakote joined DPAP in presence of Ghulam Nabi Azad. Among others who were present on the occasion were, General Secretary R.S.Chib, Chief Spokesperson Salman Nizami, Ashok Sharma Ex MLA & Provincial Vice President, Riyaz Bashir Naaz DDC & Secretary, Ch Imran Zaffar DDC & Spokesperson, Choudhary Masood Secretary & WC Member, Zahid Malik Zonal President, Sushil Sharma Distt President, Vishal Chopra Additional Spokesperson, Arun Sharma BDC Chairman, Rajinder Prasad Secretary, Lovely Gupta Secretary, Khurshid Janam Spokesperson Zone, Youth leader Hassan Mirza and others.

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