Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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CEC Tashi Gyalson chaired a meeting regarding Tsangda
Project at the Council Secretariat yesterday

Leh,May 26 (Scoop News)-District Panchayat Officer, Leh Junaid Amin Bhat gave a presentation on Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen (Phase 2) Leh District where he gave a detailed overview of Solid waste Management of the District including Segregation Sheds, Vehicles Purchased, SRMC Man Power Data, Total Waste collected, the requirement for strengthening of SMRCs, Number of ODF Plus villages, bailing and shredding machines for Plastic Waste Management, Twin dust bins distributed, IEC activities done, grey water management status, etc.

CEC Tashi Gyalson directed the concerned officer to form a committee within 7 days to formulate an action plan and work collaboratively on all the strategies including Financial implications to make the Tsangda project a successful model in Leh.

CEC and concerned officers/ officials also discussed the requirements and shortcomings of Tsangda. He laid special emphasis on a comprehensive plan which includes source segregation of waste, segregated collection and transportation, formation of a cluster of nearby villages to have a common temporary waste storage shed, processing of segregated waste, continuous awareness generation for reducing Single Use Plastic (SUP), use of substitute products, etc

The meeting was attended by the Executive Councillor for Rural Tashi Namgyal; Executive Councillor for Minority, Ghulam Mehdi; Additional District Development Commissioner/ ACD Leh, Sonam Norbo; Chief Planning Officer, Leh, Tsewang Gyalson; District Panchayat Officer, Leh Junaid Amin Bhat; Block Development Officer, Leh, Tsering Wangchuk; Supervisor/ Coordinator, Project Tsangda

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