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Zonal Level Inter School Tournament commences in Nubra

Leh, May 26 (Scoop News)-The Zonal Level Inter School Tournament for the Government Higher Secondary and Government High Schools of Nubra commenced from today at Govt Higher Secondary School, Diskit, Nubra in the presence of chief guest Station House Officer, Police Post Diskit Nubra.

In the Zonal level Inter School tournament, 11 Govt Higher Secondary and Govt High Schools of Nubra sub-division are participating in which various sporting activities, including Volleyball, Handball, Archery, Table Tennis, Discuss Throw, Shot put Throw along with 200-meter and 400-meter distance running would be organised.

Speaking on the occasion, chief guest SHO Diskit highlighted the importance of co-curricular activities along with studies and urged the students to actively participate in them to build their personalities and imbibe the qualities of team work and dedication.

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