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KVK Poonch celebrates World Environment day

Poonch, June 05 (Scoop News)-In tandem with and as a part of “Mission LiFE”movement, KrishiVigyan Kendra, Poonch working under the auspices of Directorate of Extension, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu (SKUAST-J) today celebrated World Environment Day (WED) on theme “Solution to plastic pollution” under the campaign #Beat Plastic Pollution,at its office campus. On the occasion,Sr. Scientist & Head, KVK Poonch, Dr. Ajay Gupta welcomed the farmers for the participation in this programme and said that the main purpose of such occasions is to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize, encourage and use resources to address global problems for the betterment of humanity.World Environment Day is held annually on 5th June as a means to concentrate thoughtfulness on the significance of healthy environment and to campaign for the sustainable management of environment, he said.Dr. MushtaqGuroo of KVK Poonch gave a detailed lecture on this year’s theme of World Environment Day and said that more than 400 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year worldwide, half of which is designed to be used only once. Of that, less than 10 per cent is recycled while an estimated 19 to 23 million tonnes ends up in lakes, rivers and seas annually, as per the report of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released on the eve of World Environment Day. There is an urgent need of solutions to combat plastic pollution and it is a democratic exercise in which every government, organizations, communities and every individual has to contribute for the safety and sustainability of environment, he elaborated. Dr. Muzafar Mir, Scientist KVK Poonch on the occasion underlined the need of plantation for the purpose of agricultural production, food security and sustainability in arid and semi-arid regions all over the globe. A total of 67 farmers including men and women participated in the World Environment Day celebration. During the occasion, plant saplings were distributed among the farmers.The visiting farmers took a pledge on the occasion for the contribution towards the safety of environment.

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