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Government Polytechnic Jammu celebrates World Environment Day

Jammu, June 05 (Scoop News)-On the occasion of "World Environment Day" today on 5th June, 2023, NSS unit of Govt. Polytechnic College in collaboration with Sports Wing organised Plantation Drive in college premises under the guidance of Principal, Er. Arun Bangotra and under the supervision of Sh. Dheeraj Kumar NSS Co-ordinator as per guidelines issued by Mission Meri LiFE (Deptt of Higher Education, Ministry of Education)
the India-led global movement inspires people to take actions to protect and preserve the environment. The objective was to initiate a massive plantation drive, various saplings were planted in the campus and all the staff and students unanimously stressed for conservation of College surroundings as green spots.
Other present on occasion Sh Chamel Singh PEM ( Member of NSS Wing ), Smt. Toshi Devi PET, Ms. Itika Sharma(Member of NSS Wing), Sh. Vinay Kumar IRG Instructer and students of NSS Wing.
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