Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Altaf Bukhari extends greetings to the Hajj pilgrims
Appeals them to pray for enduring peace and prosperity in J&K
Srinagar, June 07 (Scoop News)-As the first batch of Hajj pilgrims from Jammu and Kashmir embarked on their sacred journey, Apni Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari extended his heartfelt greetings to all the aspirants of J&K who are going on the spiritual journey of Hajj this year.
In his message, Apni Party President appealed to the pilgrims to pray for sustained peace and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir during their pilgrimage.
He said, "May Almighty showers His grace upon you and illuminate your sacred journey with spiritual awakening and enlightenment. I humbly request that you all pray for the enduring peace and prosperity of Jammu and Kashmir, which has been grappling with miseries for quite a long time. May Allah bless each and every one of you and fortify your Iman. Congratulations on embarking upon this pious pilgrimage."
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