Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Azad condemns killing of 3 officers in Kokernag encounter
Party leadership visited the residence of slain DySp

Srinagar, September 14 (Scoop News)-Democratic Progressive Azad Party Chairman Ghulam Nabi Azad strongly condemned the killing of three senior officers including Col Manpreet Singh, Major Ashish Dhonack and DySP Muzamil Bhat in Kokernag encounter and termed it as a cowardly act by terrorists. “The killing of 3 senior officers in a cowardly attack by terrorists deserves strong condemnation. The officers paid with their precious lives in the line of duty,” he said. He expressed his concern over the growing number of encounters in Jammu and Kashmir and said that it is the duty of the Centre government to keep control over the deteriorating security situation of J&K. “The terrorism is not confined to Kashmir only now. It has expanded to Jammu region where encounters alongside the border districts like Rajouri, Poonch also happen frequently now. Meanwhile, a senior leadership of the party which includes Mohd Amin Bhatt Provincial President, Ch Haroon Khatana Gen Secretary, Chief Spokesperson Salman Nizami, Saleem Parray Spokesman, Shafiq Shabnam, Khalid Tufail Provincial Gen Secretaries, Bashir Arif Secretary to Chairman, Sheikh Amir Rasool, Arif Maqbool, Waseem Yaqoob, Ghulam Nabi Palpori, Ubair Mushtaq also visited the residence of slain DySP Muzamil Bhat and prayed the departed soul.

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