Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Ravinder Kumar reviews infrastructure development of sports projects, Animal and Sheep Husbandry Departments in Kargil

Kargil, September 17 (Scoop News)-Secretary Ravinder Kumar Dangi, overseeing the Departments of Youth Services and Sports, Power, Animal/Sheep Husbandry, Fisheries, and Protocol in UT Ladakh, conducted a comprehensive visit to Kargil today to assess the progress of crucial infrastructural projects.

Accompanied by Joint Director of Youth Service and Sports, UT Ladakh, Moses Kunzang, and other esteemed district officials, Secretary Ravinder Kumar commenced his inspection with a thorough evaluation of the ongoing construction of the Ice Hockey Rink at Biamathang.

During his visit, he not only sought updates on the completion date but also emphasized the importance of inaugurating Ice Hockey competitions within the rink this year. He urged officials to swiftly address any pending design modifications and tasks.

Joint Director YSS provided an insightful overview of the construction progress along with associated expenditures.

Secretary Ravinder Kumar then proceeded to review the status of the multipurpose sports stadium Goma Kargil, which was constructed under the Special Development Package (SDP). He stressed the need for expediting construction progress while efficiently managing expenses. Furthermore, he visited the multipurpose sports stadium in Kurbathang, currently being implemented by JKPCC. He inspected the ongoing construction and inquired about expenditure status, assuring to liaise with JKPCC authorities for an expedited project completion.

At the Hatchery Unit of Animal Husbandry in Kurbathang, Ravinder Kumar advocated for an augmentation of production capacity. He also monitored the progress of the new poultry farm building, instructing the construction of ramps and the installation of informational boards.

Secretary Kumar’s visit extended to farms exclusively dedicated to the production of turkey birds and Kadaknath Chicken, underlining the imperative to bolster production for enhanced farmer income. During this inspection, he also assessed the construction progress of a veterinary hospital.

The Secretary further visited the Astro Turf football stadium to appraise pending tasks, lauding the commendable construction efforts. He emphasized the expeditious provision of all essential facilities, recognizing the significance of such developments.

Likewise, Secretary Ravinder Kumar, in conjunction with Joint Director Moses Kunzang, evaluated the ongoing construction of the Ice Hockey Rink in Kurbathang and expressed satisfaction with the progress. He issued directives for the early construction of washrooms and changing rooms within the facility.

In addition, Secretary Kumar meticulously assessed the construction of a youth hostel, placing special emphasis on ensuring the facility’s water supply is insulated from freezing conditions, rendering it winter-friendly. He mandated the installation of solar panels and solar heating systems.

Subsequently, the Secretary engaged with students at the Sports Authority of India (SAI) training center, sharing invaluable insights into the profound significance of sports in life. He motivated the students by highlighting the achievements of global luminaries and their unwavering dedication to attaining the zenith of success. Joint Director Moses Kunzang also addressed the students, imparting words of wisdom.

Encouraging the students to toil diligently and maintain both mental and physical fitness, Secretary Ravinder Kumar inspired them to aspire for greatness in life. He extended his heartfelt best wishes to all the students of the SAI training center for their future endeavour.

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