Sunday, September 8, 2024
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‘World Ozone Day’, organizes by Govt. Degree College Nobra

Leh, September 18 (Scoop News)-As the world commemorates ‘World Ozone Day’, on September 16, the students and staff of Govt. Degree College Nobra joined the global call from Khardongla top, the world’s highest motorable road, to urge the masses to take urgent steps to preserve the ozone layer.

The students, while coming back from a five days educational cum exposure tour to Kargil, interacted with the security personnel deployed there, the tourists, and cab drivers so as to spread awareness about the dangers of Ozone layer depletion and ways to preserve the ozone layer far and wide.

They requested them to be ozone-friendly citizens and promote the use of ozone-friendly goods and services. The students further requested to restrict and control the emission of ozone-depleting substances into the atmosphere so as to protect and save all forms of life on the planet Earth.

Later, the staff and students took a pledge to protect Mother Earth from the ill effects of ozone depletion and conserve natural resources for future generations.

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