Sunday, September 8, 2024
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ADDC Kulgam takes stock of pace & progress on transit accommodations for KP Employees at Mirhama, Chowgam
Kulgam, September 22 (Scoop News)-The Additional District Development Commissioner (ADDC) Kulgam, Showkat Ahmad Rather today visited Chowgam and Mirhama areas of the district to take stock of pace and progress recorded on construction of transit accommodations for KP- Employees.

At Chowgam the concerned informed the ADDC that a total Number of 12 blocks comprising 192 flats will be constructed with a project cost of 22.89 crore and out of these 12 blocks, 08 blocks are under construction presently.

At Mirhama the concerned officers of the executing agency informed the ADDC about the progress of work on Transit accommodation and added that work on 08 blocks is in progress and substructure of these blocks have been completed and the total project cost is 22.95 crore.

ADDC instructed the officers of the executing agency to expedite the pace of work and ensure timely completion of all blocks at both the places Mirhama and Chowgam.

He instructed them to mobilize more men and machinery to complete work projects well in time.
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