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DAK urges three vaccines this fall to prevent triple virus threat

Srinagar, September 23 (Scoop News)- Doctors Association Kashmir (DAK) on Saturday urged people to get vaccinated against Covid, flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

“The triple vaccine could ward off this winter’s tripledemic of respiratory illnesses,” said Influenza expert and DAK President Dr Nisar ul Hassan.

“We could be facing a triple virus whammy of Covid, Flu and RSV this winter. The trio of vaccines could help reduce hospitalizations and deaths due to these viruses,” he said.

Dr Hassan said most of us are familiar with annual flu shots. We have an updated Covid-19 vaccine this fall. New to the menu this year is a vaccine for RSV which is often associated with young kids but sends elderly to hospitals.

He said RSV vaccine is recommended for people aged 60 years and older.

“RSV season generally starts in the fall and peaks in the winter, but last year RSV peaked several weeks early and circulated for longer. So people eligible for vaccine should get it as soon as possible,” he said.

The DAK President said everyone 6 months and older should get an annual flu vaccine before the start of flu season which begins in October. Since it takes 2 weeks for the flu vaccine to become fully effective, it is best to get the vaccine now.

“While flu vaccine is recommended for all, it is especially needed in young children, elderly, pregnant women and people with medical conditions,” he said.

“Updated Covid vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older,” said Dr Nisar

Updated vaccine has been reformulated to target newer XBB variants of the virus.

He said people can get Covid, flu and RSV vaccines at the same time.

“This means people don’t have to make multiple trips to a clinic or pharmacy as they can get all three vaccines on same day,” he added.

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