Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Army organizes South Kashmir Sports Festival “Jashn-e-Janoob”

Srinagar, September 23 (Scoop News)-Shopian town bustled with enthusiasm and energy as it bore witness to a spectacular Sports Extravaganza that marked the conclusion of the annual South Kashmir Sports Festival Jashn-e-Janoob”. The event organised by Indian Army comprised of various track & field events which commenced on 15 September 2023. The best athletes from 48 schools of South Kashmir competed against each other to earn a place in the finals conducted in Batpora Stadium, Shopian on 23 Sep 2023 which was witnessed by massive crowd of almost 5000 spectators from various parts of South Kashmir.

Indian Army is committed to nurturing the talent of Kashmiri Youth through various programmes and conduct of such events is a step towards this direction. It is noteworthy that these events were org by the people, for the people and the Army has only acted as a facilitator. Such events will project Shopian as a place for tourism and sports, thereby realising its true potential.

The fest aimed at promoting sports at grass root level, provide a platform for the budding stars of South Kashmir to showcase their talent and inculcate sports culture amongst the youth. The events conducted across the various districts once again highlighted the abundant talent pool available amongst the Kashmiri Youth, ready to pit themselves against the best in the country. The cultural programmes and foot tapping music added to the “Entertainment Quotient” with the local people seen thoroughly enjoying themselves.

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