Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Siot Kalakote road in deplorable condition - Congress

Jammu,September 23 (Scoop News)-JK Congress Chief Spokesperson and former MLC Mr Ravinder Sharma has expressed great concern over the deplorable condition of Siot - Kalakote road and urged the Lt Governor Manoj Sinha to direct immediate repairs and widening of the same.
In a memorandum to the Lt Governor, JKPCC Chief Spokesperson has brought to his notice the worst condition of the Siot Kalakote road which affects lakhs of people of Kalakote besides Rajouri Poonch to suffer, which have to travel via this main road , which is also alternative road ,to twin districts, as the work on Nowshera to Rajouri road has also adversely affected travel & transportation.
Th entire population of Kalakote area is dependant upon this vital road link but this is in very bad conditions. The entire road stretch between Siot to Kalakote is in worst condition and requires immediate filling and patch work till the work is taken up or completed on its reconstruction & widening by BRO or some other premier construction agency.
He also highlighted the bad condition of the newly constructed Later Devak Hathal Kalidaab road and demanded funds for its urgent repairs.
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