Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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SEC inspects process of updation of Panchayat election at several blocks

Jammu, September 23 (Scoop News)-State Election Commissioner (SEC), B.R. Sharma visited several blocks and check the process of updation of Panchayat election on spot.

SEC visited Block Miran Sahib, Panchayat-Darsopur, Arjun Singh Kotli, Miran Sahib and Chakroi, Suchetgarh where he took onspot process of updation of Panchayat election and issued instructions to the concerned staff of RDD to examine the assembly election and ensure that all the voters whose names missed in assembly polls get invaribale included in the State Election with respect to 01.01.2023 as acquisition date.

He also issued instructions for undertaking corrections to the names and other opportunities to the voters who has applied for the correction in the names prescribed in proforma.

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