Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Abhay Bakaya questions silence of JMC over under development in Sidhra's ward number 71

Jammu, September 25 (Scoop News)-Apni Party spokesperson and State General Secretary Youth Singh Abhay Bakaya has expressed his concern over the negligence of ward number 71 in Sidhra regarding developmental works.

Abhay chaired a corner meeting with the party leaders and residents of Majeen Mohallah in ward number 71, Sidhra.

In this meeting, the participants were informed about the poor basic amenities that are missing in their ward and people who live in an underdeveloped locality even as it comes under the jurisdiction of Jammu Municipal Corporation.

On this, Abhay said that the JMC appears to have deliberately ignored the residential area and deprived the locals from the clean drinking water, cleanliness, proper hygiene, garbage collection, round the clock electricity and proper road connectivity.

He criticised the JMC for turning blind eyes towards the area and demanded development in the above said Ward.

He expressed surprise as to how an elected Corporator has failed to highlight the issue and get the concerns of the residents resolved.

He said that the people are not getting the benefits of schemes launched by the Govt because no one is helping these people.

He said that the JMC should look into the demands of the people and address them accordingly.

Those who attended included Raj Sharma, Provincial President Apni Trade Union, Mangotra ji, Puran Chand Rahi District President SC Wing, Sanjay ji, Ghulam Rasool, Sushma Ji, Shakti Devi, Parveen Kumar, Ashok Kumar and others.
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