Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Indo-Canda spat, let us talk sense

K N Pandita

The US kept insisting upon Taliban and Pakistanis to handover Osama for 9/11 crime. They did not heed the demand. CIA got hold of Pakistani conduits and finished Osama.

The US claimed that Saddam had developed nuclear bomb. It warned him but without any result. Though till date no clue to prove that Saddam had the nuclear weapon has been found but the US got him killed.

The US asked the Taliban regime in Kabul to hand over Al Zawahiri, the al Qaida chief hiding in Afghanistan. They did not, and the US finished him with a powerful missile. Not a dog barked.

The US warned Iran to contain Suleimani, the Commander of the Iranian Commando force, engaged in subversion in Ira-Iran region. Tehran turned a deaf ear and Suleimani was done away with a precision missile. Not a dog baked.

India repeatedly told Trudeau to contain the anti-India Khalistani terrorists on the soil of Canada. A dossier containing Nijjar’s anti-India and other criminal activities was also forwarded to Ottawa. Trudeau did not pay heed because he has the political compulsion which makes him puts his personal interests first and national interests last. He thinks the same about India.

Why did the US finish its al Qaeda adversaries in different parts of the word in a secret manner? She did because her national security was threatened. Does President Biden think that the US is sanctimonious country against which no terror will be tolerated and India is a third-world country whose national security can be compromised.

The US has advised Indi to cooperate with Canada in finding the truth about the killing of Nijjar. That sounds fine and rational and India, given the broad features of its foreign policy, should be more than ready to cooperate in a sensitive case like the one we are discussing. But some questions. Did Trudeau cooperate with India when he was given a dossier and has been kept abreast by the Inian mission in Canad about the provocative an anti-Indin activities of the Khalistanis? No, he did not cooperate at all. Did he cooperate when Hindu temples were attacked? Did he cooperate when two factions of Khalistanis clashed somewhere in Canada? Did he cooperate when he was told the activities, conspiracies and illegal fund raising of Khalistani goons in Punjab and the routes and sources they pressed into service for transferring money illegally to Canada? He did nothing but asks for India’s cooperation in allowing him to patronize the Khalistani separatist and terrorists to be let gone untouched in their Canadian hideouts.

A US diplomat said on promise of anonymity that Five Eyes had conveyed the clue of Nijjar’s killing pointing to India. The Five Eye is a secret service of five English speaking white people (US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand). It is a powerful organization and absolutely non-transparent. The question is if they had verified or non-verified news of India’s hand in the killing of Nijjar, they must also have the full information of the activities of the Khalistani separatists-terrorists’ activities in all the above five mentioned countries including India. What action did the five countries of Five Eyes take to advise Trudeau or UK about how the Khalistani menace needs to be dealt with. If they had conveyed, will they be prepared to share it with India if India is supposed to cooperate with Canada in finding out the facts. Will not Indi raise the question about answerability of the five Eye countries to burgeoning terror in Canada. And the attack of these Khalistanis on India High Commission in London in recent past is a glaring proof.

Agreeing for argument’s sake that entire Sikh community (whether in Indi or abroad) is for separation of Khalistan, will the Indin nation accept even if a civil war is to be fought. Did not President Abraham Lincoln, the greatest of American Presidents fight the southern separatists till they were defeated and decimated to make Unite States the most powerful country of the word? The truth is that the Sikhs of Punjab are the real steel arm of Indian defence establishment and they will be the last to accept vivisection of their motherland.

In the light of this, India has the right to assert that Canada has violated the UN Resolution on counter terrorism world wide and the US is supporting its Five Eye colleagues to establish its hegemony.

Will not India be justified to label the Five Eye countries as covert supporters of international terrorism and demand the Security Council to make a pronouncement to that effect. The Security Council is morally bound to provide an answer to India’s charges. This will be the vindication of Indin External Minister’s open charge that the Western countries have double standards, one for the Global North and the other for the Global South.

In final analysis, the US and its western allies do not apologize the world community on behalf of Trudeau that Canada has failed in its duty to check terrorism and anti-India tirades on its soil, and they reiterate their allegiance to the UN Security Council Resolutions on international terrorism.

Trudeau says that India should take the matter seriously. India says the US and the west should take the matter seriously because their credibility is at stake. Trudeau does not understand that he has no method in madness and has drawn the entire western world to the brink of confrontation with the Global South

(KN Pandita is the former Director of the Center of Central Asian Studies at Kashmir University.)

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