Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Police organises Cyber Crime awareness programme in Kulgam

Srinagar, November 09 (Scoop News)-In order to generate awareness among general public about cyber-crimes, Police in Kulgam organised a Cyber Crime Awareness Programme at Police Station Manzgam.

SHO Police Station Manzgam hosted the awareness programme besides, other officers and officials of Kulgam Police were also present on the occasion. The event was attended by respectable citizens and youth of Manzgam area.

During the programme, the chairing officer briefed the participants about various types of cyber threats/crimes such as identity theft, credit card fraud, data stealing, cyber stalking, OTP frauds etc. He advised the participants to adopt safe browsing habits, to avoid suspicious websites while surfing the Internet. He also appealed the participants to not share OTPs or Bank Account details and Passwords with anyone. He also explained the ways to adopt precautionary measures while conducting Internet Banking and online transactions. Moreover, the participants were also cautioned against accepting friend requests from unknown persons or chatting with unauthenticated persons on social media.

At the end, participants appreciated the efforts of Police for organising Cyber awareness programme and spreading awareness about various cyber-crimes among the common masses.

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