Friday, October 18, 2024
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Congress celebrate Nehru Jyanti at Sunderbani

Sunderbani, November 14 (Scoop News)-Block Congress committee held a function to celebrate the birth anniversary of first prime Minister Pt Jawaharlal Nehru today at Congress office Sunderbani.
Rich tributes were paid to the former prime minister recalling his contributions in various spheres , who laid strong foundations of the nation. President block Congress committee N C Sharma presided over the function which was attended by large number of office bearers of DCC Rajouri and block Sunderbani, Siot and Devak.
Prominent included D N Sharma,Ajit Singh President Siot, Chuni Lal Sharma, Vijay Damral, Ashwani Sharma, Nobat Ram, Tilak Raj, Sanjeev Sharma, Om Parkash , Govind Sudan and several others.
Floral tribites were paid to the architect of modern India for his remarkable achievements and struggle and sacrifice for the nation.
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