Friday, October 18, 2024
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Congress questions efficiency of traffic dept
Condoles deaths in Thannamandi accident today

Jammu, November 17 (Scoop News)-JKPCC has expressed shock over the loss of two precious lives and injuries to five others in a road accident in Thannamandi,Rajouri today and expressed sympathies with the bereaved families and the injured.

JKPCC President Shri Vikar Rasool Wan,working President Raman Bhalla,Senior Vice President Ravinder Sharma,DDC Vice Chairman & President DCC Shabir Ahmed Khan,DCC member & Vice President PCC Ch Sain Abdul Rasheed,General Secretaries Shakeel Mir & Iftikhaar Ahmed besides Lalit Mahajan, Rajesh Gupta,Pushpinder Gupta Vijay Guru,Ashok Sharma Manju Sharma,,Ratan Mehta, Balkrishan & other senior Congress leaders shared the grief of the bereaved families and prayed for early recovery of the injured.
PCC has expressed serious concern over the rising road accidents and asked the UT administration to take strict action against the erring traffic system to check rising accidents and loss of precious lives on roads.

They demanded adequate ex gratia relief to the families of the deceased and the injured besides best medical treatment to the injured.

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