Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Special Summary Revision and SVEEP Programme in Martselang draws active participation from villagers

Leh, November 20 (Scoop News)-To ensure inclusive electoral process, the village of Martselang recently witnessed a successful Special Summary Revision of the electoral roll accompanied by a comprehensive Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) programme.
The initiative, headed by the village Nambadar and Naib Sarpanch, saw the entire village coming together to engage in the democratic process.
The Special Summary Revision aimed to update and verify the electoral rolls, ensuring that every eligible voter in Martselang was duly registered. The villagers, guided by the Nambadar and Naib Sarpanch, actively participated in the process, confirming their details and addressing any discrepancies in the electoral list.
Accompanying the revision, the Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) programme played a pivotal role in enhancing awareness and understanding of the electoral process.
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