Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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"Kashmir's Evolution: A Tale of Two Perspectives"

by Farooq Ganderbali

As February 5th approaches, a distinctive shift in sentiments is palpable among Kashmiris on both sides of the border. Traditionally observed as Solidarity Day with the People of Indian Kashmir, this year takes on a unique stance as Kashmiris express solidarity with those living in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).

The narrative presented by Kashmiris from the Indian side reflects a story of transformation, progress, and newfound freedom. The dark times of dread and psychosis, attributed to Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, are declared to be behind them. Kashmiris call for collective resilience against any move made by Pakistan, emphasizing the dignified life they claim to be living. They highlight the freedom of speech and expression enjoyed in their region, drawing a stark comparison with alleged restrictions in PoK.

Describing their region as "Naya Kashmir," the Indian Kashmiris underscore a significant transformation attracting foreign investments. The mention of the G-20 tourism working group meeting held in Kashmir, with delegates from over 20 nations attending, signals global interest in the region. Overseas Kashmiris are said to occupy influential positions, showcasing a well-educated system.

In contrast, the narrative of PoK is painted with concerns of being used for terror activities and training camps. The message to PoK is one of reassurance and encouragement to stand against perceived brutalities from Pakistan. Kashmiris urge their counterparts to recognize the privileges enjoyed on the Indian side, emphasizing amnesty in various sectors and the rising success of their youngsters on national and international platforms.

A critical element of this narrative is the comparison of armed forces. The Indian Army is portrayed as disciplined, focused on combat and assistance operations. In contrast, the armed forces in PoK are accused of interference in civilian affairs.

Crucially, Kashmiris on the Indian side assert ownership of their motherland, contrasting it with allegations of China's involvement in exploiting land for monetary benefits on the other side. The narrative questions the stability of Pakistan's solidarity, asserting that recent years exposed their Kashmir policy and sponsored terrorism.

Pakistan's global standing is tainted,with some perceiving the nation as a source of skepticism. Concerns about the credibility of statements and actions have led to a perception of Pakistan as a subject of sarcasm on the international stage. The issue is often linked to allegations of lies, deceit, and deception, which some argue have diminished the weight of Pakistan's contributions to global discussions.

As February 5th approaches, Kashmiris navigate a complex narrative, weaving together themes of progress, freedom, and global interest on one side, and concerns of alleged restrictions, instability, and external exploitation on the other. The tale of two perspectives reflects the intricate dynamics defining the Kashmir region, inviting introspection on both sides of the border.

(Farooq Ganderbali,Social Activist & President Voice for Peace and Justice Regd. NGO)

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