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DC Leh chairs meeting to access and review expenditure under LAHDC subsidy program

Leh,February 09 (Scoop News)- Deputy Commissioner, Leh, Santosh Sukhadeve chaired a meeting to access and review the expenditure under LAHDC Subsidy Program today on February 9 at VC room

The primary objective of the meeting was to identify departments whose expenditures fell below 90% of the allocated funds and to develop a comprehensive action plan to tackle this issue effectively.

During the meeting, representatives from the concerned departments provided valuable insights into the underlying reasons contributing to the lower expenditure figures.

The meeting was informed about the reasons included project delays, administrative hurdles, and unanticipated challenges encountered during the implementation process.

DC Leh directed all departments to implement proactive measures aimed at expediting pending projects. He emphasized the importance of adhering to a strict timeline and set February 29 as the deadline for the implementation of the action plan.

Furthermore, DC Leh stressed the importance of optimizing fund utilization for the betterment of the community. He urged all departments to accelerate their expenditure efforts to ensure that funds are utilized efficiently for the benefit of the populace.

The meeting was attended by the CPO Leh, AO to DC Leh, and all the HODs and officials of various departments.

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