Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Handicrafts & Handloom Deptt Kickstarts Exhibitions at Emporium Building & Zero Bridge
Srinagar, February 10 (Scoop News)-Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri, today inaugurated an exhibition at the Government Arts Emporium in Srinagar.

The special exhibition, organized by the Department of Handicrafts and Handloom Kashmir, aims to spotlight the remarkable craftsmanship of Padma Shri awardee Ghulam Nabi Dar and UT Level Awardee Riyaz Ahmad Khan, honoring their recent accolades.

Ghulam Nabi Dar, a renowned master craftsman from Srinagar, was recently bestowed with the Padma Shri for his exceptional contributions to wood carving, while Riyaz Ahmad Khan was recognized with the J&K UT Level Award for his exemplary service to the Paper Machie craft.

The opening reception attracted a large audience, with visitors relishing the artistic displays and interacting with the talented artists themselves. Showcases were masterpieces unmatched in their craftsmanship. Both awardees have garnered acclaim over the years, receiving recognition at both the state and national levels.

In his address to the audience, the Divisional Commissioner highlighted how the event celebrates the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the city, expressing delight at the turnout and stressing the importance of supporting local artists.

The Department of Handicrafts and Handloom Kashmir has been committed to bringing art and crafts into open-air settings through its 'Know Your Artisan' initiative, following Srinagar's acknowledgment as UNESCO's Creative City in Craft and Folk Art.

The department also inaugurated a two-day exhibition cum sales event at Zero Bridge Rajbagh Srinagar from February 10th, 2024.

The event organized by Assistant Director Handicrafts/Handloom Srinagar aims to support local artisans and raise awareness about the richness of the valley's indigenous handicrafts. Enthusiastic participation was witnessed from 12 local artisans, who showcased a diverse range of handicraft products.

Speaking at the event, the Director of Handicrafts and Handloom Kashmir reiterated the department's commitment to providing a platform for local artisans to showcase their talents and boost sales.

Such initiatives, he emphasized, play a crucial role in preserving the legacy of handicrafts and providing exposure and livelihood support to local artisans.

The department plans to organize many more such exhibitions throughout the valley to connect artisans with both local and global markets.
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