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NC Minority Cell delegation meets RC
seeks settling long pending issues of the migrants

Jammu, February 10 (Scoop News)- A deputation of National Conference Minority Cell, led by its President, Jatin Bhat called on the Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner, Migrants, Mr Arvind Karwani. They congratulated the newly posted Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner and various issues pertaining to migrants came under discussion.

The deputation expressed dismay over the delaying tactics adopted by Government in settling long pending issues of the migrants. It said that migrants were facing humiliation and harassment on one pretext or the other.

Jatin Bhat demanded Construction / Allotment of quarters for those who are still residing in rented accommodation particularly those who are in life consuming medicines. One time compensation for KP’s over aged youth for their settlement, Allotment of shops infavor of those who have applied for the same to run their business for their livelihood.

Ashok Koul Vice Chairman Migrant Cell appealed for enhancement of cash relief assistance in favor of KP’s relief holders from 10,000 to 25000.

Mr Arvind Karwani assured them that issues raised by the migrant members will be looked into and redressal.

The deputation comprised of R. L Malla, Varinder Pandita, Inderjeet, Subham Ji and others.

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