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Priya Sethi highlights role of NGOs, SHGs in complementing Govt initiatives filling social welfare gaps
Addressed Gathering under Shakti Vandana Abhiyan.

Jammu,February 10 (Scoop News)- Priya Sethi, National Executive Member BJP and former minister, today underscored the crucial role that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are playing in complementing government initiatives and bridging gaps in social welfare programs.

She was addressing a gathering during under Shakti Vandana Abhiyan
Her visit to the women folk running a Self Help Group in Jammu, was same under the party’s ongoing Shakti Vandhana Abhiyan.
Rekha Mahajan, District President Jammu South and Divya Jain also accompanied the former minister.

It is pertinent to mention that senior BJP leader has been visiting various NGOs and Self Help Groups in Jammu working genuinely to uplift the underprivileged and the poor strata of society to buck-up the stakeholders in a big way as NGOs can play pivotal role in helping the government to bail out deprived society confronting poverty, illiteracy and other challenges.

Priya Sethi appreciated the role played by NGOs and SHGs in changing the lives of people confronting poverty and other challenges of life. She said that NGOs and SHGs bring agility, innovation, and community-centric approaches to address the pressing issues dexterously. She emphasized on exploring and exploiting the potential for synergy between political leadership and grassroots organizations in creating effective and sustainable solutions for the welfare of the community.
"NGOs and SHGs have been instrumental in bringing positive change in many areas, including healthcare, education, women's empowerment, and rural development," Sethi said adding that their grass-root level work and community-based approach make them uniquely positioned to identify and address the needs of vulnerable populations.

Rekha Mahajan said that the NGOs and the self help groups hold the responsibility to provide encompassing support to the needy entities which somehow have been left out of the normal life cycles and struggling to cope up with the hardships due to unbearable poverty and other deprivations prevailing in the poor world.

Divya Jain said that NGOs should act as arms of the government in accomplishing the target of eliminating poverty to the hilt and making the entire society self-reliant and self-sustaining.

Bhaarti Ji Gen Secy distt MM conducted the proceedings of the program.

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