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DC Srinagar distributes Aids and Appliances among persons with special needs

Srinagar, February 10 (Scoop News)-Deputy Commissioner (DC), Srinagar Dr. Bilal Mohi-Ud-Din Bhat, distributed appropriate Aids and appliances to Persons With Special Needs (PWSN) here in a programme on Saturday.

The programme was organized by PM Divyasha Kendra in collaboration with Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO) at Zila Sainik Bhawan Srinagar

After distributing Aids and Appliances among needy persons, the Deputy Commissioner, who is also the president Zila Sainik Board appreciated the efforts of the Zila Sainik Bhawan Srinagar and ALIMCO.

The DC emphasized that such camps greatly help the beneficiaries to cope up in their daily life and should go a long way to help them to achieve life goals. He also impressed that such camps should be organized more often in the district.

The DC also congratulated the organizers for the initiative and assured that the District Administration will extend every possible help to children with special needs.

During the camp needed persons were provided with aids and appliances including Wheelchairs, Smart Cane, Hearing aids, Crutches and Motorised Battery Operated Tricycle etc.

Earlier, the Experts from Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALIMCO) gave demonstrations regarding use of appliances.

General Manager DIC, Hamida Akhtar, District Social Welfare Officer, Dr Mukhtar Ahmad, Officers from Zila Sainik Board, representatives of ALIMCO and others were present on the occasion
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