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Modi Government is the representative of the poor: Ravinder Raina

Kulgam,February 11 (Scoop News)-Ravinder Raina, President, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Jammu & Kashmir, addressed a massive public rally at Kulgam, South Kashmir.

Ravinder Raina was accompanied by Sumer Ganai, Rafiq Wani, Nazeer Ganai, Vijay Raina, Mushtaq, Zulfikar, Abid, district team, mandal presidents and other party leaders.

Ravinder Raina, while addressing the rally, said that Modi government has served the needy and the poor people with clear heart, which has attracted thousands of people in the rally. He thanked the people of Kulgam for supporting the Modi government and its policies.

“Modi government is the representative of the poor. It has worked for the welfare of every section of society, while keeping their interests in mind. Earlier governments did not bother about the needs of common masses and now the Modi government has reached the needy population through hundreds of dedicated schemes”, said Raina.

Ravinder Raina enumerated the public welfare schemes of Modi government like Ayushmaan card which has taken care of the health of the poor people. He said that the free ration has been distributed to the 60 lakh people of Jammu & Kashmir. He said that earlier the housing schemes never reached actual needy people, but now the Modi government has identified and given aid for the housing of the poor in every area. He said that scholarship schemes, pension, Ujala, Ujjawala schemes are benefitting lakhs of people.

Raina said that earlier government fed on the blood on the poor. He said that earlier governments did injustice with the OBCs of Jammu & Kashmir, but now the Modi government has ensured benefits to them. He said that Modi government provided due rights to the Gujjar-Bakerwal, Pahari and other communities, while safeguarding interests of all.

Ravinder Raina added that the people of Kashmir have witnessed change in the development and security scenario with their own eyes under Modi government. He said that people have accepted the policies of Modi government by their hearts and have made-up their minds to vote for BJP in all the 5 Parliamentary constituencies of Jammu & Kashmir.

Later, Ravinder Raina also conducted a Public Darbar at Kulgam in which he listened to the issues of large number of people and deputations.
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