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JKMS organizes convocation for elementary wing

Jammu, March 22 (Scoop News)-JKMS, celebrated Kindergarten Graduation with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. The students celebrated the new beginning of their school journey by their first step towards a tomorrow filled with hopes and possibilities.
The event commenced with the arrival of the Special Guests the esteemed members of the School Management. Mr. Sanjeev Gupta Chairperson JKMS, Mrs. Rajni Gupta Director JKMS, Mr. Apurv Gupta Dean Academics JKMS who graced the event with their presence to bless and encourage the students on their Graduation Ceremony.
The programme began with the solemn tradition of lighting the lamp to evoke the blessings of the Goddess Saraswati followed by the mesmering welcome song presented by the students. Mrs. Aarti Gupta Principal JKMS in her welcome note extended a warm welcome to the galaxy of guests gathered to grace the occasion highlighting the vision of the school and role of parents and teachers in the student’s learning process.
The performance of the students enthralled the sizeable number of the audience during the ongoing programme. The coordination and confidence of the students clad in vibrant attires left everyone in awe.
The most important part of the day was the felicitation of young graduates wherein the delighted tiny tots dressed in Graduation Robes and Caps walked the stage. They were felicitated with certificate of Graduation by the esteemed Members of the School Management.
Mrs. Rajni Gupta Director JKMS said on the occasion that it is an exciting milestone for our children as it is their first step towards the future full of hopes . May God Bless these tiny graduates as they continue their education in the main stream of the school.
It was indeed a joyous and memorable day for not only the little ones but also a proud moment for the parents and the mentors.
The School Management complimented the graduates on their achievement and also congratulated the teachers for their dedication and hard work in shaping the students through education and other co-curricular activities.
The programme ended with the Vote of Thanks given by Mrs. Sonia Kapoor Coordinator JKMS followed by the singing of the National Anthem.

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