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Two days inter-department table tennis tournament 2023-24 concluded

Leh,March 31 (Scoop News)- Two days inter-department table tennis tournament 2023-24 concluded at University of Ladakh, Leh campus on March 30.

Competition among 38 teams across five categories representing various teaching departments of the University of Ladakh Leh campus.

Ghulam Ali from the Physical Education Department won the Men’s Singles Category, Zehra Banoo from Forensic Science Department won the Women’s Singles Category. Similarly, Men’s Doubles Category won by Physical Education Department, Women’s Doubles Category won by Forensic Science Department and Mixed Doubles Category won by Physical Education Department.

The medals and awards were distributed by the Vice Chancellor, University of Ladakh, Professor S. K Mehta, who emphasized the importance of active participation in university activities. He urged students to engage in the diverse range of opportunities provided by the university and encouraged them to part of its on-going progress and development.

Dean Academic Affairs, Dr. Sonam Joldan, Dean Research, Dr. Subrat Sharma, Incharge Engineer, Tashi as well as faculty members and a large contingent of students were present on the occasion.

The tournament was conducted under the supervision of Dean Students Welfare, University of Ladakh, Dr. Jigmat Dachen who ensured smooth conduct and fair play throughout the event.

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