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Bhoti Language Day celebrated in Leh

Leh,April 01 (Scoop News)-The Department of Philosophy Club in collaboration with the Student Council of EJM College celebrated Bhoti Language Day today on April 1 in the Multipurpose Hall.

The program was presided over by the principal, EJM College, Professor Samina Iqbal and the Chief Guest was Director of Colleges, Dr Tashi Dawa. He talked about the importance of Bhoti day for Ladakh and its future during his concluding remarks.

The event commenced with a welcome speech by the President, Student Council, Padma Wangyal.

Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Dr. Tashi Dorjey addressed the audience on the importance of the Bhoti language and its relation to our culture and identity. He emphasized that language is the primary identity of a society and everyone must strive to get Bhoti language added in the 8th schedule of the Constitution.

Similarly, Assistant Professor, Political science, Dr Jigmet Sangyas recited poetry and highlighted the importance of Bhoti language day.

Various activities were held such as handwriting competition, Bhoti poetry and speech competition on the occasion. Around 50 students participated in the program expressing their views on the significance of preserving and promoting the mother language.

Later, prizes were distributed among the students.

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