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UPSC team evaluates preparations for inaugural Civil Service Prelims exams in Kargil

Kargil,April 01 (Scoop News)-A four-member team from Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) led by Additional Secretary, UPSC, Raj Kumar, today reviewed preparations for conducting the inaugural Civil Services Examination (CSE) prelims-2024 in Kargil.

Meeting was attended by Deputy Commissioner/CEO, LAHDC, Kargil, Shrikant Suse who is coordinating Supervisor for Kargil centre to ensure successful conduct of the examination.

A power point presentation was presented by the visiting team with regard to role and responsibilities of coordinating supervisor, invigilators, venue supervisors, local inspecting officers, police and postal department.

The SOPs for the entry and exit of candidates, seating arrangements, safe storage,security and handling of sensitive material and the deployment of security at venues were also discussed in the meeting.

The UPSC officials also impressed upon all exam functionaries to contact the UPSC control room in case of any issues and assured to provide an early response to resolve the matter.

Later, the UPSC team visited Govt. Degree College, Kargil, Govt. Boys Higher Secondary School, Kargil, Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School, Kargil which are proposed centres for UPSC CSE prelims 2024 in Kargil, for the venue audit.

Additional SP Kargil, Nitin Yadav, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Kargil, Suhail Ahmed, Principal GDC, Kargil, Amina Qari and other concerned officials attended the meeting.

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