Friday, October 18, 2024
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Apple Farmers Federation concerned about the losses incurred by growers, buyers

Srinagar, April 01 (Scoop News)- Jammu Kashmir Apple Farmers Federation (JKAFF) has expressed serious concern over losses and sharp decline in apple prices saying that apple growers are facing losses due to the low demand for apples.

Apple Farmers Federation President Zahoor Ahmad Rather and General Secretary Ab Rashid Itoo have expressed their dismay over the current situation, saying that there has been a drastic decrease in apple prices compared to the rates during the main apple season in October-November 2023

They expressed concern over the losses faced by buyers due to the lack of demand this year. While growers may not bear as much losses, buyers are grappling with substantial financial setbacks, having purchased apples at higher rates during a period of greater demand.

Apple Farmers Federation urges the government to intervene in the matter to save the growers and buyers.

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