Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Provision of AMF reviewed in all polling booths of Doda District
Doda, April 01 (Scoop News)- The District Administration Doda has geared up the stakeholder departments to make provision of electricity, washrooms and cleanliness in polling Stations to meet the Assured Minimum Facilities (AMF) prescribed by the Election Commission of India (ECI)

Chief Education Officer, Parkash Lal Thapa, Nodal Officer for AMF, under the direction of District Election Officer, Harvinder Singh has been tasked to meet the set standards.

In this regard Chief Education Officer today held a virtual meeting with Booth level officers (BLOs) to take feedback about the Assured Minimum Facilities in every polling station in the district.

The meeting was also attended by District Education Planning Officer, Dr. Anis Ahmed and 529 Booth Level Officers through Zoom. The CEO interacted with BLOs and instructed them to make sure basic arrangements including Power Supply, Washrooms with functional taps as well as cleanliness at every polling station well in time.

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