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Police arrests two absconders in Kulgam
Srinagar, April 01 (Scoop News)- Continuing its crackdown against absconders, Police in Kulgam arrested two absconders who were evading their arrests from last many years.

A police party headed by SHO Police Station DH Pora arrested two absconders namely Mohd Rafiq Dar son of Ghulam Rasool Dar resident of Ladgoo Rambhama, involved in case FIR No. 108/2016 under section 147, 148, 341, 336 RPC and Mohd Yousuf Wagay son of Ghulam Ahmad Wagay resident of Harpora Nagam, involved in case FIR No. 80/2015 under section 148, 323, 341, 506 RPC of Police Station DH Pora.

Warrant of arrest was issued by the Hon’ble Court of Judicial Magistrate 1st Class DH Pora against the said accused persons. They were evading their arrests since 2016 and 2015 respectively. The duo was produced before the Hon’ble Court of Judicial Magistrate 1st Class DH Pora today.

Our consistent actions against anti-social elements should reassure the community members that we are making every effort to keep our society free of crime. Police has resolved to act as per law against those who indulge in criminal activities.

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