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DEO Leh Santosh chairs meeting regarding Randomization of EVMs and VVPATs
Leh, April 02 (Scoop News)-In the view of the forthcoming General Lok Sabha Election, District Election Officer/ Deputy Commissioner, Leh, Santosh Sukhadeve chaired a meeting regarding the first randomization of (FLC OK BEL Make M-3 Type) EVMs and VVPATs available in the EVM warehouse at DC Office, Leh on April 2.

In the meeting, the first phase of randomization was done for allocation of Ballot Units, Control Units and VVPATs.

Nodal Officer EVM Management, Mohd. Ayub, informed that they have 726 control unit,908 ballot unit and 513 VVPATs available. He added that the first step is to do FLC (first level of checking) and to make sure that the machines are in good working conditions and those which are ready to use for election purpose are stored.

It was informed that there are 298 polling stations and the machines which are FLC approved will go through 1st randomization. He also briefed that in the 2nd randomization to ensure transparency and accountability, EVMs will picked randomly for polling station.

Further, he added that the numbers are allotted on the machines and it will pick randomly through management software so there is no human intervention involved what so ever.

Additionally, it was also informed that total 402 machines were taken out for deployment in elections. Machines are available for 298 polling stations and 35%is kept in reserves for VVPAT, BU AND CU.

The meeting was attended by Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP),Shruti Arora; Additional Deputy Commissioner, Ghulam Mohammad (JKAS); Deputy District Election Officer, A G Zargar; Nodal officer EVM Management, Mohd. Ayub and president/representatives of political parties
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