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GDC Sumbal celebrates World Autism Day
Sumbal, April 02 (Scoop News)- The Department of Education, Government Degree College (GDC) Sumbal on Tuesday commemorated World Autism Day.

The programme was organized under the patronage of Prof. (Dr.) Shabeena Iqbal Shawl.

This significant event aimed to raise awareness about autism and promote a better understanding of this developmental disorder.

On the occasion, Professor Manzoor Ahmad Parey, Head, Dept. of Education delivered a thought-provoking lecture on the theme of World Autism Day.

The focal point of the event was to enhance the participants' knowledge and understanding of autism.

He meticulously explained the complexities related to autism by highlighting its various aspects, including behavioural patterns, challenges faced by individuals with autism, and potential ways to support and accommodate them in society.

Prof. Parey commenced the session with an overview of autism, its prevalence, and its impact on individuals and their families.

He underlined the significance of early detection and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) for effective intervention and support systems.

Through engaging anecdotes and scientific research insights, he emphasized the necessity of recognizing and embracing neurodiversity.

The lecture was followed by a Question-Answer session, providing attendees with an opportunity to discuss their queries and seek further clarification. The audience actively participated and asked important questions, covering areas such as early intervention, available resources, and community involvement. The session facilitated an open dialogue, contributing to a deeper understanding of autism and its broad impact.
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