Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Training programme for MCMC Staff, Media and Reps of Political Parties held at Shopian
Shopian, April 02 (Scoop News)- In a bid to ensure smooth conduct of upcoming Lok Sabha elections, 2024 in the district, Nodal Officer Training today held a training programme for MCMC Staff, Media persons and representatives of Political parties at Mini Secretariat, Shopian.

District Information Officer (DIO) Shopian, Showkat Hussain Ganie who is also Nodal Officer MCMC/Paid News raised awareness among concerned about the process of pre certification of Political advertisements, Paid News and Media monitoring issues.

The DIO highlighted the role of Media in order to create an environment for peaceful conduct of elections as well as to use different forms of media to spread voter awareness among the general public.

The aim of the training was to highlight the guidelines, particularly do’s and don’ts prescribed for the elections regarding media coverage and process of pre certification of advertisements of political parties/ candidates by District Level MCMC.

Master Trainer, Irfan Ahmed through a power point presentation highlighted important parameters with regard to MCMC for the benefit of political parties and MCMC Staff. Identification of Paid news cases was also emphasized for reporting to concerned for action.

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