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Div Com inspects functioning of IMTS cameras at Traffic Management & Monitoring Control Room

Srinagar, April 02 (Scoop News)-The Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri on Tuesday inspected the operation and functioning of IMTS cameras at Traffic Management and Monitoring Control Room at the office of SSP Traffic, Srinagar.

On the occasion, the Div Com directed concerned officers of SSCL to ensure round the clock glitch less functioning of cameras for regulation of traffic flow and maintaining of strong vigilance.

He also directed the integration of IMTS service with National Informatics Centre (NIC) for online challan of vehicles for violation of traffic rules.

It was informed that 700 cameras installed at different junctions of city are presently providing seamless feed and are monitored from ICCC, HMT.

Later, he chaired a meeting of officers to address the traffic related issues due to various ongoing project works on flyovers, bridges and roads in the city.

On the occasion, Div Com directed officers of SSCL and R&B to ensure rideable surface of all roads within five days to facilitate smooth traffic movement in view of Eid and other festivals.

He also directed for improvement of service roads of under-construction flyovers, creating proper gradient of roads and completion of works within stipulated time.

He also instructed concerned for shifting of traffic light poles at various location due to redesigning of junctions.

The meeting was attended by SSP Traffic, Srinagar, CE R&B and CE Srinagar Smart City Limited and other officers of these departments.

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