Friday, October 18, 2024
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Mehbooba Mufti voices grave concern over deteriorating situation in Kushinagar,UP
Srinagar, April 03 (Scoop News)- Denouncing the recent violence against Muslims in Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, People's Democratic Party (PDP) President Mehbooba Mufti has voiced her concerns over the deteriorating situation. She said that rising communal tensions and targeted violence against minority communities are surging in the country with each passing day.

The incident, the PDP President mentioned, unfolded when the trustee and other Muslim individuals rushed to rescue an Imam under attack, only to be met with violence themselves. Reports indicate that they were brutally assaulted with rods, leaving one person severely injured. Adding to the distress, the attackers allegedly filed a false complaint with the police, accusing the Muslim men of assaulting them. Shockingly, instead of initiating action against the assailants, the police opted to book the Imam, trustee, and residents of fifteen Muslim households surrounding the mosque. Even minor students from the Madrasa were not spared, further exacerbating the injustice. Amidst this turmoil, the police's aggressive behavior, including house raids and creating chaos, has plunged the community into fear and uncertainty. Mufti, in a strongly worded statement, lambasted the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), highlighting the glaring disparity between their promises and actions.

Mehbooba asserted, "The BJP claims to have replaced stones with laptops in Kashmir. But the events unfolding across the country demonstrate otherwise. They have empowered disgruntled and unemployed youth to unleash violence against Muslims, further exacerbating tensions. Instead of fulfilling their pledge of creating two crore jobs, they have reduced these young individuals to mere tools of chaos and intimidation."

She further lamented the tragic reality that these young men seem content with jeopardizing their own futures as long as they can persecute and humiliate Muslims. Mufti's condemnation underscores the urgent need for accountability and justice in the face of.
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