Sunday, September 8, 2024
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CEO UT Ladakh, Yetindra M. Maralkar, Continues Second Leg of Nubra Valley Tour

Leh,May 13 (Scoop News)-Continuing his visit to Nubra Valley to review election preparation, the Chief Electoral Officer UT Ladakh, Yetindra M. Maralkar visited Naibat Turtuk village and Diskit Headquarter of the Nubra Sub-division.

During the visit, the CEO conducted review meetings with concerned officials to assess the progress of election preparedness. He expressed satisfaction with the level of preparedness observed but underscored the need for continuous vigilance and strict adherence to protocols to ensure free, fair, and transparent elections in Nubra Valley. The CEO also interacted with voters and urged for maximum participation in the voting process.

The CEO's visit reaffirms the Election Commission's dedication to conducting elections with integrity and transparency, instilling confidence among voters and stakeholders in the electoral process.

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